
So Far Behind It Is Not Even Funny

Yep. 2008. The latest post from the Powers That Be is numbered Thing 25. This is about Thing 18. Technorati. Didn't I already say something about this? Ah, yes. Right here.

But that was a different age. A happy time. A time when I was right there on the cutting edge of Virginia Beach's experiment with The Information Superhighway®. Now, I'm pedaling my bicycle along the service road, jealous of all those fancy-pants with their expensive automobiles.

Sorry, what?

Technorati. Riiight. This time I signed up and claimed my blog, for what it's worth. I was supposed to watch a tutorial or something, but those always put me to sleep. Besides, I'm usually at a public service point when I work on this stuff, so donning headphones and rocking out is not an option. I did search for blog posts and such containing "Learning 2.0". The results confirmed most of my suspicions, that this whole thing is by librarians, for librarians. Take a gander at the people making videos on the subject. Yup, librarians.

I noted another interesting trend. There has been a serious drop-off on posts mentioning Learning 2 point 0. Take a look at this chart. Telling stuff. September and October seem to have been the "Learning 2.0" season. Now, the levels have dropped off to below their pre-August 11 numbers. What happened to make such a flurry of activity? Is it related to our own program, which started in October? I doubt that VBPL accounts for any significant percentage of those posts, rather that the sheer volume of Learning 2.0 related material provided fuel to the Sparks in our department who gave rise to this conflagration.

Too much?

Technorati is very nice, by the way. Real cute, what with the hearts and all. It even has that cutsey name. Like a cross between technology and literati. Double plus good!


Diane Wetterlin said...

You're not that far behind!! And your posts are always fun to read!

The Bryan said...

If only I had an audience greater than one...

Jessica J. said...

That was hilarious!