
Is the Pope Catholic?

Today's installment relates to this thing. The question to get my thoughts brewing was, "Should VBPL use a social networking site to connect with teens?" My answer is evidenced by the title of this post.

I saw some interesting statistics during the research phase of this post, statistics that seem to indicate the bulk of teens online are using sites like MySpace to communicate. Well, you have to go to Athens if you want to see the Parthenon. And no, not the apartment complex.

You know, last summer one of the Virginia Beach Central Library teen coordinators created a MySpace account for their Teen Advisory Group (TAG is the acronym used by YALSA). Sadly, I cannot link to the page because the operation was shut down by the city's IT department. Apparently, it isn't kosher to have any online presence not under their auspices. I wonder if our present experiment will suffer similar consequences.

Sometimes it is just a case of the left hand finding out what the right hand is doing and cutting it off at the wrist.


Diane Wetterlin said...

Wow - I didn't know that any wiki had been shut down. I'm of the "beg forgiveness" bent - and I certainly wouldn't ASK IT first!!

Oh well - I'm hoping good things come out of this training! Fingers crossed!

Diane Wetterlin said...

Opps - obviously it's late - I meant MySpace - that's just nuts! But then again - ...!