Just over two weeks left in this guided exploration of the Wired. Now, apparently, I'm supposed to tell anyone with a computer what books I've read. In other words, this thing wants me to check out LibraryThing. Sure, I'm game.
I doubt that the books I chose are of particular interest, but here they are. A quick glance will reveal they run the gamut from the esoteric to the familiar. This is not a surprise to anyone in the know. Also, one may note that my name is my login. Personal preference.
As for the experience, it was relatively painless. The site is a bit picky when it comes to passwords, however: my usual security codes were a bit too elaborate for them. Searching for books and adding them to my profile was fairly straightforward, the hardest part being finding the right edition of each book. Take The Battle of Jutland, for instance. There were some five different editions, only one of which I had read. Finding the right version of The Divine Comedy was even more of a struggle, one involving heavy artillery and trained badgers. And though a first edition of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy may once have graced my greased palms, it no longer resides anywhere near my shelves.
Come to think of it, I believe I read the paperback.
Ah yes, the Battle of Jutland - now that brings back memories! Thank you - I needed a good smile today!!
Be still my heart, you're appoaching the finish.
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