

As I look back on all that I have published these past few months, I am struck by a single thought: why is anyone reading this? Surely, the three of you had better things to do with your time? I've done little but complain, yet here you are, back again. Perhaps it is some form of masochism.

In all seriousness, this was truly a learning experience. I learned that I can't keep a deadline to save my own - well - let's say skin. Also, it seems I don't care for a great many things, or their names. Shakespeare once asked if (and I'm paraphrasing) the names of things really affected their innate qualities. Yes. They do.

So, if given the opportunity, would I do all this again?


Diane Wetterlin said...

I can only speak for myself but I have enjoyed your ereudite comments. Your choice and combination of words has elevated the most mundane of complaints to a lofty height. Your acerbic wit has given increased pleasure to my day!

Denise Walker said...

Bryan your blog is so you! I can hear your voice in every post. There are times that I think you should leave the lowly library and write for The Onion or some other high falutin' yet huomrous publication.

Selphie said...

Like your blog, Bryan. And I agree with you about Rollyo: Google does it better.

Vinnie Boombots said...

Can't keep a deadline? Ha! I just finished, and it's April 28th!

Interesting blog. I saw dead people, all the time....