
Wasn't this mentioned in the Bible?

Taken right before they wheeled out the Golden Taurus:

Fabrizio Costantini took this photo for The New York Times
Seriously, what is going on here? Is divine intervention part of our Big Plan to save the economy? Why are there cars on the altar?
I tried reading the article. I really did.


My German Word

Back in high school German class, I invented a word. We'll get to that in a moment, but first:

The Backstory

It was one of those "advanced" classes - basically like English class, but German. We would read a short story or essay and were then tested on our comprehension and whatnot.

One story was about a family on a Spatziergang - basically, a walk in the park. Another was a history lesson, about Hitler's seizure of power, the Machtergreifung.

Later, during a quiz, I confused the two terms and created:

Spaßergreifung. Literally, the seizure of fun.